Category: update
I’m finally beginning to make some long overdue updates to this website.
Posted by John Dennett in Update
Hello everyone, I’m back!
As some of you may have noticed its been quite awhile since I’ve actively updated this website, about three years actually.
Many things have happened in these past few years that have altered my ability to divide my time sufficiently between creating new work, molding and casting it and promoting it for sale.
Though my absence here may have had visitors wondering whats become of me, I have not slowed down in the creation of new product one bit. In fact since last I was able to post here, I have created more than 60 new sculptures that in turn were molded, cast and offered as kits to modelers and collectors. Most of these were offered on my Facebook pages because, due to my situation, it was much easier and less time-consuming to do so compared to posting here on this website.
In addition I have attended several model kit shows in the last few years including WonderFest and Jerseyfest as a vendor promoting my Moondevil Studio model kit releases and last year I displayed a good portion of my pre-finished work at Illuxcon for the very first time. Most all of the product I’ve taken to these shows have yet to be seen here on this website but that is about to change.
As time allows I will gradually be adding much of my catalogue of the newer products to both the appropriate galleries and to my Store as well. I have a wide selection of both original designs and recognizable characters among the bulk of whats never been shown here so there should be something of interest to almost anyone who enjoys fantasy, movies, monsters and the realm of the fantastic.
The changes and new additions here will not happen overnight as I am still quite busy working on art commissions and, when possible, my own personal efforts that will become future Moondevil Studio products.
Mainly I’m posting this announcement now to let visitors to this page and followers of my creative works know that I’m still out here making art and that eventually dozens of new sculptures will be displayed throughout this site and my Store will be packed with all sorts of kits and collectables never shown here before.
Please visit here from time to time in the months ahead to see how things are developing as I’ll have lots of goodies to show.
Thank you for interest, your support and for stopping by!
Best wishes, John Dennett
The Yeti Claus and I wish you all a …Merry Crypto Christmas!
Posted by John Dennett in Update

The Abominable Snowman is here!
Posted by John Dennett in Update